Paul Lantaj

Software developer



A professional within web development and information technologies currently located in Copenhagen, Denmark. Person that is well organized, structured, responsible and is not afraid of over time. A big fan of outdoor gyms, computer games and good wine.


What I can do for you


Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere used profesionally for many years

Web development

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery are the core of my skillset. Besides that experience with Python, Google Apps Script, SQL

Business Intelligence

API, Microsoft Office, Google Suite, Accounting are some of the other fields I have experience with


View some of my recent work
Web Development

Omnifood Website

Developing a responsive website for the company Omnifood using HTML, CSS, JS, JQuery.

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Web development

Toursie Website

Reponsive website made for a company interested in hiking and tourism.

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Web development

Budget App

An app that helps create a monthly budget by adding items into categories income, expenses. Created using JS DOM manipulation.

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Software development

Financial Reporting

Creating an accounting dashboard with data from's API. Afterwards systematically creating P&L, Balance sheets using scripts.

Work Experience

Past and current jobs
  • Eupry (Temporary position)

    Software developer for Eupry where I develop a financial dashboard, work with Front-end.

  • IT University of Copenhagen

    Data analyst at ETHOS Lab using STS methods and tools like Gephi, Tableau to analyze data.

  • Kiin kiin

    HR Manager/Waiter for a Michelin restaurant. Responsibility for hiring, interviewing possible employees.


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